About Us

We want to share our
passion for ER with you.
New to ER? Picking up occasional shifts to earn extra money or stay current? Been out of ER for a while and coming back to it? Considering transitioning to ER from another type of practice? New grad interested in jumping into ER?
ER can be intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be.
By focusing on high-yield concepts and real-life cases, you can get up to speed quickly and start enjoying the excitement and challenge of emergency practice. This is real ER practice condensed into teaching modules and hands-on wet labs so you will gain real practice skills and tips. Strategies for staying focused, organized and healthy are also included to help you maximize your efficiency and minimize your stress on the floor.
Don’t waste your time sitting through boring lecture after boring lecture at big conferences (the same lectures you already sat through in vet school) or sifting through hours of on-demand CE to find just a couple of pearls you can start using in your practice. We imagine a better way to learn where practical, high quality information is presented the way you learn in practice - through case workups, treatment decisions and evidence-based strategies you can actually use on the clinic floor.
Are you interested in hearing more about becoming board-certified while continuing to work in private practice? Ways to demonstrate your clinical skill and dedication in emergency medicine through a Fellowship in Emergency Practice? Balancing the demands of a family with ER practice? Exploring ER leadership avenues? We’d love to talk to you about those things too! There is so much this rewarding field has to offer. Learn how you can succeed in the ER for your entire career and not just as a temporary stop!
Libby Ramirez, DVM, DABVP (Canine/Feline), Founding Fellow Emergency Practice
The founder and CEO of The Educated Vet is Dr. Libby Ramirez, a career emergency veterinarian and hospital director. She obtained her DVM cum laude from Texas A&M in 2002 and became a diplomate of the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners (Canine/Feline) in 2011. She joined with other ABVP diplomates to form the first ABVP Fellowship (Emergency Practice) so that other ER vets would have a non-residency pathway to board-certification and an avenue to recognize their excellence in all of emergency practice. She has helped train many veterinary student externs and new ER veterinarians over the years at the Animal Emergency Hospital of North Texas in Grapevine, Texas as well as lectured to veterinarians on various emergency topics. Dr. Ramirez is also a certified RECOVER instructor.